Riceviamo da Agimus-sezione Roma Urbis, Associazione Giovanile Musicale, e volentieri pubblichiamo il comunicato stampa su Viva Vivaldi, una serie di concerti nell’affascinante cornice dell’Antico Oratorio dell’Arciconfraternita dei Bergamaschi di via di Pietra 70, a pochi passi da piazza Colonna e via del Corso.
Giovedì 11, 18, 25 Maggio e 1, 8, 15 Giugno 2017, Il violinista Riccardo Bonaccini, da solista, e l’ensemble composto da Valeria Chiappetta viola, Daniele Sabiu viola, Dan Costescu violino, Marco Algenti violoncello, Lisa Francese pianoforte, si cimenteranno nelle celeberrime Quattro Stagioni. Prima dei concerti (ore 19.00), con lo stesso biglietto, si potrà partecipare ad una visita guidata alle tele di Caravaggio in San Luigi dei Francesi e Sant’Agostino, mentre con un sovrapprezzo, dopo il concerto, sarà a disposizione per un aperitivo la panoramica terrazza dei Cesàri (prezzo da 25 a 38 euro, biglietti su https://www.eventbrite.it/e/biglietti-viva-vivaldi-oratorio-33531898812?aff=e).
In the suggestive and prestigious setting of Piazza di Pietra, in a baroque jewel, the enchanting Oratorio Concert Hall, you can enjoy the extremely lively, contagious and highly virtuosic music of Vivaldi.
Every Thursday, from the 13th April until the 15th June, plus Friday 14th April, you can have unforgettable emotions listening to the most enchanting Italian classical music, the very famous Vivaldi’s “Four Seasons”.
This musical event is a multisensorial experience, giving the opportunity to listen to the music of one of the most famous Italian composer, while you can admire at the same time the architecture and the art present in this ancient place.
The Four Seasons here played for soloist violin, violin, viola, cello and piano will delight your ears while the graceful architecture and the marvelous frescoes of the oratory will delight your eyes!
Moreover, the closest distance between the audience and the musicians makes the concert especially exciting.
Concert + Caravaggio Guided Tour
With the same ticket at the same price, you can have a guided tour focused on the Caravaggio’s paintings located in the churches of San Luigi dei Francesi and Sant’Agostino. The visit starts at Sant’Agostino at 5.45 p.m. and ends at 7 p.m. for the beginning of the concert.
Concert + Aperitivo
You can also choose to add to the unforgettable evening listening experience, a taste of the best Italian wines and food with the Italian Aperitivo. Buying a different ticket that includes both the concert and the aperitif you will be also able to admire a breathtaking view of the city at the Terrazza Cesari, drinking wine and eating a high quality selection of Italian cured meat.
For further information: +39.389.1533055
Tickets available online on eventbrite.it or the day of the concert from 11 a.m. at the ticket office in via di Pietra 70.